Friday, February 19, 2010

Writing random ideas for my essays..ignore me :)

Stories of a childhood goal focused on social work are written elsewhere in the piles of application essays; such will not be found here. Experience proved how deeply I misunderstood the basis of biology and medicine I had initially ascribed as being a part of my ultimate career. In my angst I directed my attention to differing fields of study capturing my interest. A freshman class in anthropology proved able to fill the gaps and give my education meaning. Through such study I acquired a deep dislike for human inequality, and an even more important understanding and respect for all cultures. There needed to be a sort of career allowing me to use this interest for good.

An individual's academic excellence often relates to their ability to intertwine several differing aspects of the human condition: the mental, the physical, and the emotional. With epilepsy appearing late in my college life, I found these three parts were not functioning separately, let alone together.

The mental, slow, forgetful, the physical tired and lacking of energy, the emotional sad and misunderstood...